Tuesday, 15 February 2011

CAKING with the BFF - Miss Pauline Whalley

I have had THE most fun this afternoon baking scrummy cupcakes with my favourite person & fellow TEA LOVER Pauline Whalley.
We experimented with a new flavour - Cherry Bakewell as well as making everyone's favourite Benny & the Jets. The Cherry Bakewells turned out A.MAZING! Just your standard cake mix with some Cherry Jam and almond frosting & the traditional Glace cherry on top. SCRUMPTIOUS. 
We kept catching a whiff of the cakes as they were baking in the oven and were struggling to hold in our excitement as we iced them. FINALLY, once they were finished, we tested them. (It wouldn't be fair to give cakes to friends and family that we ourselves had not tested!!). PURE HEAVEN. There was plenty of jumping around & dancing! We also got good feedback from our friends at Dabs Tattoo (the chief testers for this batch). Shell - "I just want to rub my face in it!". Thanks guys!  

Definitely be doing some more team caking in the future! <3

Check out the pics!

LM xXx

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